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Bé Viết Văn Việt/ Bài Viết Bằng Anh Ngữ: The New Year of 2012

29/01/201200:00:00(Xem: 53208)

Bé Viết Văn Việt/ Bài Viết Bằng Anh Ngữ: The New Year of 2012

Trong tuần lễ Tết, vì bài vở Xuân quá nhiều nên bài dự thi của Andrew Tiêu viết về “Tết Nguyên Đán” bằng tiếng Anh phải gác lại. Tuần này giới thiệu bài viết bằng Anh Ngữ của Andrew. Andrew Tiêu viết tiếng Anh và tiếng Việt đều rất giỏi.
(Bài và hình bằng tiếng Anh cuả Andrew Tiêu)

The New Year of 2012

andrewtieu-large-contentAndrew Tiêu

A year has come and gone by so fast. I remember when it was just the countdown and the 2011 New Year’s Eve celebration. Suddenly, it has crept up on us and it is once again time to celebrate another New Year, 2011 has been such an amazing year and now it is almost time to celebrate 2012. Once the New Year arrives, we will celebrate Tet which is also known as Chinese New Year.

The Chinese New Year’s celebration will come in late January. All the adults and children watch the colorful dragons dance and the martial artists strike a pose while the drums roar in the streets. People pray and hope for the New Year to bring luck and happiness. Families and relatives will visit one another in their homes to wish luck to one another and also to give each other lucky red money envelopes. At some homes, they even light up red firecrackers to scare away any bad luck. One rule about Tet is to never wear black because it leads the bad luck into your home. Red is the best color to wear during the New Year’s celebration which represents luck. Many Buddhist people go to the temple to pray to Buddha and the other Gods.

I celebrate Tet by going to six or seven temples with everyone in my family. There is a belief that the more temples you visit, the more luck it will bring. Each temple takes about thirty minutes to visit. My favorite part about Chinese New Year is when parents give out red envelopes and the children end up getting more than a hundred dollars. We will then have a family dinner. After everyone finishes eating, our family plays card games such as twenty-one. We also play a dice game where we guess which animal the dice will have facing up. The following day, my parents and I visit my dad’s side of the family. Every parent hands out red envelopes to the children. After everyone is finished with their food, we also play card games such as twenty-one. I used to play with my dad but now I have my own team.

I love Tet! I promise to wish you all luck! I hope you have an amazing Happy New Year and a wonderful Tet celebration with your family.

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